Monday, January 4, 2010


Nick and Alex had so much fun last night watching videos of when we first got them in China. It is especially funny to watch Nick's videos because he has changed so much. I'm hoping I can post a couple of the videos on here. One of these days, I want to put all their videos on a DVD. That would entertain them for hours.
They've had a lot of fun playing together during Christmas break and Nick says he does not want to go back to school. But I know he will have a great day tomorrow and be glad to be back to routine. Plus, he'll get to see his friends at school. Alex may not know what to do with himself but he'll get to go to the Y to play for a little while tomorrow and I plan to start preschool back up.
The video of Alex is about a week after we came home- I think. The videos we have of him in China are on our other computer. You can see in the video how much he was already imitating Nick and how much he was teaching Nick.

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