Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Day at Grandma Bradley's

We made it to Grandma and Grandpa Bradley's house around 2. Uncle Greg, Aunt Jackie, and Logan were already there. We opened presents first. We gave Grandma and Grandpa both a blanket. Of course, Grandma's is to use to keep warm and Grandpa's is more for decoration. It has pictures of Nick and Alex. They gave us Silver Dollar City season passes for all four of us. They also gave Ryan a gift certificate to Panera and a coin sorter. My parents gave me a gift certificate to Kohl's and a jacket that my mom made. I wore the jacket to church last Sunday and should have taken a picture. I think it is beautiful and it fits me perfectly.
All three grandsons loved playing with the plastic food from Grandma and Grandpa. It is to stay at their house so they can use it in the play kitchen. I'm not sure Logan knew it was pretend! Alex was cracking up at Ryan. I'm not even sure what they were doing but Alex kept giving him an icecream cone with different things stuck in the top instead of the icecream.
Grandma made both boys their own special play outfit. Nick got a doctor's coat and a big doctor's kit. I could hear the boys upstairs playing with it for a long time one morning this week. She made Alex an artist's shirt, and they gave him a crayola color and glow thing. It is really cool. Alex has played with that a lot and the puzzles from Grandma and Grandpa.
My mom also made all three boys a busy book. I want to put pictures of that on another blog. They are really neat and took a lot of work!
Uncle Greg and Aunt Jackie gave them remote control cars. They love those!
We ate lunch and then played with all the new toys. Well, mostly, the women visited and the men played. Ryan took the boys downstairs for a while to play nintendo. My dad still has the original Nintendo with the mario game and duckhunt. After a while, Nick and Alex came back upstairs but Ryan must have stayed downstairs playing by himself for a while- remembering the good old days.

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