Friday, December 18, 2009

Nick brought a certificate home from school this week that said he was on the principal's brag board. He knew nothing about it and didn't seem to care. But I made a big deal out of it so hopefully he'll continue working hard at school. We are really proud of him. He is doing a great job in Kindergarten! His paper is the one next to the KB flower and the certificate is pictured below.
Here is a video clip I made in K-mart last week. The kids at church sang a song called 'Toys' and I wanted video to play while they were singing of kids shopping for toys. The boys had a great time until I told them to put all the toys back on the shelves.

I'm looking forward to posting pictures of the boys opening all their toys on Christmas!

While I'm waiting for the video to upload:

We seemed to be obsessed with hot lava at our house. Everything must be compared to hot lava. Are these noodles as hot as hot lava? (not- are these noodles as hot as lava?) We have lots of discussions about hot lava. Mommy, would you swim in hot lava? Why wouldn't you want to get in hot lava? Would it hurt? So on and so forth.

Nick and Alex have also hit the little boy stage where they just say stupid things over and over to each other and they both think it is hilarious. My cousin Jenni warned me about this stage, and it did drive me a little nuts when they just kept saying 'sleeping beauty' all through dinner. At the same time, I am just so happy that they get along so well and truly are becoming best friends.

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